Thursday, July 3, 2008

TBR Challenge

I joined another challenge! Is that really a surprise? It was bound to happen sooner or later. I joined the TBR Challenge. I would've joined sooner but I thought it was closed after Jan. 1st. The rules are you picked 12 books that you've been wanting to read. You can also pick 12 alternatives, just in case. But once you post your list you cannot change it. This will give me a reason to get read of the many books on my shelf that haven't been read yet. The challenge ends Dec. 31st.
My List
1. Teach your own - Holt
2. God: stories - Curtis
3. Away - Amy Bloom
4. My Mistress' Sparrow - Eugenides
5. Memory - Philippe Gilbert
6. Charlotte's Web - White
7. A child's book of true crime - Cooper
8. The Brother's Grim Fairy Tales
9. Blue Highways - Heat-Moon
10. Best American Mysteries 2006
11. Best American Mysteries 2007
12. Case Histories - Atkinson
1. The Year of Magical Thinking - Didion
2. Easter Everywhere - Steinke
3. The Film Club - Gilmour
4. The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
5. The Glass Castle - Walls
6. Nights at the Circus - Carter
7. Death of a Salesman - Miller
8. I am no one you know - Oates
9. Fieldwork- Berlinski
10. The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency - Smith
11. Her Last Death- Sonnenberg
12. Housekeeping vs. Dirt - Hornby

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