Yesterday the UPS man came and gave me the five packages from that I've been waiting for. Three great books for me to read and try in my own way to change the world and get my creative juices flowing. Every Monday Matters by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza, 52 Projects by Jeffrey Yamaguchi, and Not quite what I was planning edited by Rachel Fershleiser and Larry Smith.
The subtitle for 52 Projects is Random Acts of Everyday Creativity. The book is filled with artistic projects that are so simple to do and you don't need money or artistic skill to do such as project #10: making a poster or project 29: stuffing an envelope with as many things as you can and mailing it to someone special. You don't have to do the projects in the exact way the author suggested. You can come up with something of your own. 52 projects is a great book that has me jumping to do my own. You can also do the projects with your children. My family and I are going to work on project 10 this weekend. The author, Jeffrey, also has a website that goes with the book.52 projects is the muse for the everyday person. Every Monday Matters: 52 ways to make a difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza. Every Monday matters is about changing Mondays from those days that you hate to arrive to days of reward by doing simple things to change the world around you. Monday #37 is about mentoring a child while Monday #22 is about thanking your local firefighters.Information for each Monday is concise and only two pages long.The exercises are creative, doable,and will probably turn Monday into one of your favorite days of the week.